Arvind Kejriwal announced the name of Bhagwant Maan who will fight against Sukhbir singh Badal in upcoming elections from Jalalabad Punjab. Arvind kejriwal was addressing a rally in Jalalabad, where he made this surprising statement. He even said if deputy chief minister Sukhbir Singh Badal try to run away from this constituency, Bhagwant will go to the place he (badal) file his nomination.
Aam Adami Party has shown this strategy of fielding candidates against all the main leaders of the opposition. In delhi elections, Kejriwal himself stood against Shiela dixit the then chief minisiter of Delhi. Kumar vishwas was fielded against congress supremo Rahul Gandhi. The strategy works very well earlier because it keeps the major leader bound to particular constituency as no party likes takes risk of loosing their prime seat.
Kejriwal put forward the proposal of fielding Bhagwant maan against Sukhbir singh Badal, which was supported by the party workers. Bhagwant Maan himself endorsed this announcement and agreed to fight against deputy chief minster and that too from Jalalabad which is strong hold of Akali’s. Bhagwant is very confident as he has very good experience of fighting against Dhinsa one of the heavy weights of SAD, in Lok Sabha elections. Dhinsa lost the MP seat to Bhagwant Maan and that too with heavy margin.
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