Sukhbir singh badal and his wife Harsimrat kaur badal who is nominated as covering candidate said by interacting with media and folding AAP in arms that you are free to torture us as much as u wish,but if there will be any single step choosen regarding robbery to Punjab’s water then i will put myself into the field and will face everyone.
She said that Aam Aadmi Party do not think right about our religion and the tricks which are going on by the Aam Aadmi Party to get power are not supposed to be completed to any length because the Punjabis has been understood that kejriwal is only a power-hungry.
Bibi Harsimrat Kaur said that kejriwal is trying to divide Punjabis only for power. She said ,Aam Aadmi Party is trying to break peace in Punjab.
On the last day, the incident of shoes thrown on Chief minister Sahib is also a handiwork of Aam Aadmi Party workers.
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