Atmosphere in Punjab is very hot due to elections, which are going to be held on 4 February, 2017. Everyone is trying own way to aware people to caste vote. But in Moga region a very different way has come into light. A bakery shop owner tried an amazing idea to make atmosphere more hot in Moga.
He represented pastries to public having symbols of all parties of Punjab including BJP, Akali, Congress, AAP and many other. People are very happy with his this idea and appreciating shop owner. Everyone is giving positive response. One of the person also said that this method of representation will help children to know about parties in Punjab.
While conversation with shop owner, he told media person that on every festival he try to represent things in front of public in very different way and people always like his ideas and also appreciate them. He even already tried such kind of ideas on Diwali, Christmas, New Year and now its turn of Punjab Elections 2017.Hopefully people in Punjab get much more motivation to caste their vote with this idea.
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