Members of the Opposition accompanied by the Congress today forced the washout of the morning session of the Rajya Sabha after heated exchanges with the treasury benches over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks during his recent three-nation tour that he wanted to clean the dirt of 60 years.
Expecting Prime Minister Modi to give answers for his remarks the Opposition members forced three adjournments in the pre-lunch session.
Raising the issue soon after the House meeting, Congress leader Anand Sharma said the comments made by the Prime Minister were an insult to the nation. He was supported by the whole opposition.
Sharma said, “PM said some things which need explanation. All Prime Ministers maintained a custom when they go out they go as the Prime Minister of the nation. Opposition also follows a culture, when Prime Minister is out of nation opposition does not disapprove him.”
Sharma said, “In Canada he said India was ‘scam India’. India cannot be a fraud. There can be few mistake but country cannot be scam. He said it is impurity of 60 years he is responsible for cleaning. He reduced grace of his post and he has offended earlier PM.”
“Modi goes on the tri-nation tour as the PMO India not as a BJP leader,” said Sharma, even as ruling party members protested.
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