Drug issue is just a hype by Media, this is what an army officer quotes during recruitment drive at Patiala. He told that dope tests are more stricter this time and results shows no trend of drugs as hyped by media.
Same thing came to surface in police recruitment as well when most of candidates were found not taking any kind of drugs. Earlier Police was of the view that their is no drug issue as such in the state, and now we have got very clear message from Army as well.
Army officer JS Samyal was asked question about punjabi youth being labled as drug addict, he clearly stated this is just a media hype. Youth from Patiala, Fatehgarh sahib ,Sangrur, Barnala, and mansa have applied online for army recruitment. Around 33,911 candidates have applied for it. Army recruitement drive will continue till August 13, 2016 and those who will pass physical test will sit for written test on 28th of August.
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