Triple Talaq , a historic decision by Supreme court of India
Supreme Court finally has given it verdict on the very long pending decision on Triple Talaq issue. First let’s try to understand what exactly is triple Talaq and what Muslim women were demanding from the highest legal authority of India the Honourable Supreme Court, it was one of the ways by which Muslim women were given divorce. Divorce by simply saying three time Talaq Talaq Talaq.
Triple Talaq was prevalent for the last 1400 years and it was one of the atrocity tool used by Muslim men to threaten and force women to work for them and save their skin from the society. This custom was endorsed by the Muslim preachers and supreme authorities but was challenged in court.
Finally five member bench of Supreme Court gave their decision in favour of Muslim Women by voting three in favour and two against the decision.
Muslim women were seen celebrating this historic decision all over India. They distributed sweets , dance and thanks Supreme Court of India for giving decision in their favour. Women leaders told that for them this is the actual day of Independence for them because now they can live their life without any fear of being dumped by their illiterate and stubborn husbands.
According to the available information, in UP elections BJP has promised Muslim women that they will help in getting rid of Triple Talaq, if voted to power. BJP won the elections with huge margins and Muslim women vote bank was one of the reason for this massive victory of BJP government.
One of the women Rubina, who is a senior doctor in CMC hospital , told the media person that after the death of her son, her husband unleashed atrocities on her. He slapped Triple Talaq on her face and she was running pillar to post for justice in different courts. She said earlier Mulana’s were imposing their own version of Islam on them , but today they have got Allah’s Islam because of constitution of India.
Justice J S Kher who leaded the five member committee of judges who have delivered this historic decision after seventy years of Independence of the country.
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