Veenu Badal wife of Manpreet Singh got injured in a road accident. Congress convoy was hit by a car being driven by a person who seems to be under the influence of liquor. Veenu was admitted to local hospital in Bathinda and later moved to Chandigarh after basic treatment.
Veenu Badal had a fracture in her leg apart from other small injuries. She will be treated in Chandigarh for her injuries.
Veenu Badal was on door to door campaign in Bathinda, when all of sudden a car with Delhi number plate hit their convoy in which Manpreet Badal’s wife was injured. Car involved in the incident seems to belong to SAD as, there was sticker on the rear wind shield with quote ” Proud to be Akali” was pasted.
When contacted Manpreet Badal refused to register any formal complaint with the police. He said few more people were injured in the accident, he said there are so many people in Punjab who drink and drive, and this time they were unfortunate as one of them hit them.
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