AAP candidate from Jalandhar west, Darhsan Lal Bhagat says “Chunni Lal of BJP is a White elephant”. Darshan Lal Bhagat who was in BJP earlier , left the party , when he was denied ticket by the party in MC elections in Jalandhar and filed his nomination as independent candidate. Now he has joined AAP, and is lucky enough to get ticket from Jalandhar.
AAP has declared its third list of candidates few days back, in which around 29 candidates names were made public and Bhagat was one of them.
When asked why he has joined AAP, Bhagat said there are three main issues in India, first one and most important one is Corruption , second one is unemployment and third one is drugs. He said AAP is the only party in India which is fighting for these issues and focusing on them only.
About chunni lal who won three time consecutively from this seat and Bhagat was with him in last elections and now fighting against him, he responded by saying that he is a white elephant for the punjab government, who eats a lot but is of no use. He alleged the Chunni Lal has not raised as single question in the last 15 years , for the people who elected him.
Darshan Lal Bhagat said, he was working with Chunni Lal, but he break away when he heard him saying that people voted him for money and Whisky and he is not bothered about their development.
Considering the case of another BJP leader Sidhu who left the Party and presently having all dead ends, Bhagat seems to be lucky enough to get entry and above all ticked from AAP.