Senior Akali leader and president of women wing of SAD, Bibi Jagir Kaur who is facing conviction in case of murder of her own daughter failed to get rid of conviction. Countries top court the Supreme court has rejected Jagir Kaur’s plea, which came as a second shock to her , as her plea was rejected by High court yesterday only.
Jagir Kaur is sitting MLA from Bhlath constituency , she was willing to context this time too, but because of her conviction was not able file her nomination. SAD honoring her status in the party, have given her ticket to her son in law. so this time seat will be defended by Yuvraj Bhupinder singh, who will face all time rival Khera. Khera was senior congress leader ,but he moved to AAP recently and is fighting on AAP’s ticket this time.
Bibi Jagir kaur was expecting some respite as in the case of another Akali leader, Sucha singh Lagah was able to convince court in his case. As the two cases are entirely different, Bibi was not lucky enough to get any relief from either High court or supreme court.
Opposition parties have been targeting SAD for keeping a convicted person in their party. On that she has been appointed as women cell chief of SAD. People have been questioning how a woman who killed her own daughter who married against her wishes , can think of welfare of common woman in the state.
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