Gangster Lakhvir singh Lakha : True Story
Gangster Lakhvir singh alias Lakha Sihana belongs to a small village in Punjab Sidhana. A simple village boy grown up as dreaded criminal, a gangster and when and how it happened, even he is not able to recall.
Lakhvir lakha openly alleged that politicians are responsible for growing gangsters in Punjab. He said he came in contact with some politicians , who took him to different level and world, from where it is now very difficult to return back to normal life.
Lakha said around 90% youngsters are into gangs directly or indirectly. According to him youth in the age group of 18 to 24 , are associating themselves with some gang along with political parties.
He further added that there are ten to twelve major gangs in Punjab and large of small gangs are also operating independently in our state.
He repented that its easy to enter Crime world but difficult to come out of it. He said he and his associates killed others, were involved in group fights, helped politicians in elections but in the end they are left to die.
He said he would like to live a normal life, as he is double M.A. and was very good Kabbadi player, but he can’t do it. He is arrested in his own house, because there are other gangs looking for him , who want to kill him. Even in jail, life is easy for some and they come out with ease. Few days back Gangster Vicky Gonder escaped from Nabha jail
Talking about the role of our leaders and administration, he said administration and politicians are responsible gang culture.
Politicians encourage youngsters to get into crime, use them and when jailed administration which otherwise should help them come out of the world of crime, help them with drugs and weapons.
Punjab jails are breeding grounds for criminals, a tight security of jails is just to show off ,but reality is everything is available in there. Drugs, weapons are easily available in Punjab jails.
Inmates pay heavy price in terms of money , to get all these thing easily inside Punjab jails. Gangsters threatens Punjab’s Chief Minister on Facebook is just enough to show how the dark world of crime is spreading in Punjab.
Lakha fought MLA election and got 10000 votes, this shows close relation between politics and gangsters. Earlier he use to help politicians but later fought on the ticked on PPP, new political party floated by Manpreet singh Badal.
When asked why he joined politics, he said, his perceptions about the life changed from the time he started as gangster and now after experiencing life and studying literature and good books. Now its clear to him, that he should do something good for the society. He said only way to end gang culture is to get them away from politicians.
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