Jagmeet Brar has given unconditional support to Aam Aadmi Party. Alliance of Jagmeet Brar’s Lok hit Abhiyan and Aam Aadmi Party was officially declared by Sanjay singh senior leader of AAP , who made it clear that for the sake of the State they have come together on the same stage.
Earlier Jagmeet Brar who worked for congress for many years, was forced to leave congress because of his anti party activities. Experts are of the view, Jagmeet Brar was looking for joining the AAP but was not shown doors to enter the party earlier. On the other hand AAP is looking for some breathe specially after the Sucha singh Chhotepur episode and CD that went viral showing their Delhi minister with some women.
Most of the senior AAP leaders including Sanjay singh, Bhagwant Maan, Jarnail singh, Gurpreet Ghuggi, S. Himmat singh were present in the event.
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