Nihang brutally Killed Sewadar In Fatehgarh Sahib Gurudwara. As per the available information the ongoing enmity between the two groups of Nihangs resulted in this murder. Earlier few members of the same groups were killed at different places in Punjab.
Nihang chief demanded proper inquiry by the administration, they also demanded that police should be given strict instructions to conduct proper investigation and put the culprits behind the bars.
As per the eye witness, proper reiki was done by the culprits before finally attacking the victim. On the day of assault they first threw red chili powder into the eyes of the victim, which made him almost blind, then they attacked him sharp edge weapons and brutally killing him on the spot. Victims head was chopped off and his body lied in the pool of blood.
One of the attackers was caught on the spot , but others managed to escape from the scene of crime.
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