Now AAP thinks Blue Card Holders are Beggars
Now AAP thinks Blue Card Holders are Beggars : AAP insulted Aam Aadmi. Bhagwant Maan, MP, AAP is again in hot news issue. This time reason behind issue for Bhagwant Maan is Aam Admi Only.Issue is Bhagwant Maan during his Chandigarh Conference called Blue Card Holders as Beggars.
This incident came into light when media persons asked questions to Bhagwant Maan in Chandigarh. Due to spread-eagle nature of Bhagwant Maan, he is again into news due to the issue where he compared Blue Card holder people as Beggars.
Incident happened during Press Conference where Bhagwant Maan compared those people who availing benefits of Wheat and Daal Scheme and not financial strong. This scheme is presently running by Punjab Government. And Bhagwant Maan compared these financial week people with beggars.
In clear words, Bhagwant Maan during Press Conference stated that this scheme is only for beggars. When media persons who were present there tried again to come out same words from Bhagwant Maan’s mouth, but instantly Maan changed his statement.
In his statement, it is very easy to listen that he told that Aam Admi need employment, they donot need cards for beggars.On the other hand, support of Sucha Singh Chhotepur reached Chandigarh for Press Conference. Discipline Committee Member Narender Walia, insulted statement given by Bhagwant Maan for Blue Card Holders.
Narender Walia told that Bhagwant Maan itself is corrupt person. Committee Member Narender Wali also stated that due to some personal issues Bhagwant Maan is on top of eyes of Arvind Kejriwal.
On this issue Media Advisor Harcharan Bains also shared his views, he told that Bhagwant Maan should apologize from every body who belongs to this category. Harcharan Bains told that this facility is being given to those people who are financially week and this kind of help is a contribution to the society.
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