The city police of Fazilka have registered a case against 25 persons including the deputy Suprintandant, Akali leaders and others under various sections after a raid by DM Isha Kalia and SSP DR. Nrindra Bhargava in sub prison of Fazilka.
In addition, The Police arrested 7 persons and seized their luxury vehicles and mobile phones after the raid.
Punjab’s chief electoral officer ordered Isha Kalia for the surprise check of Sub prison Fazilka. Then According to the order recieved from Isha Kalia and a letter from DC office to SSP of Fazilka ,a surprise check of the Sub prison conducted on January 4 evening around 6.15 pm.
It is remarkable that the Doda contested as an independent candidate from Abohar seat in the 2012 Assembly elections. He received 45,000 votes and was ranked second.
This time, after the announcement of the elections he was in the prison and was preparing election strategy with his supporters.After a complaint to the Election Commission, his supporters were arrested during raids in prison.
It is said that all of them have been released by police on bail .It is also learned from sources that Doda is being sent to the high-security prison in Amritsar.
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