Gas leak in Ludhiana created panic in locals
There are reports of gas leak in a old factory situated at Gill Road in Ludhiana. As per the information available Ammonia gas was found leaking from the factory which is not functional, though it was set up around twenty years back. Ammonia is considered to be very dangerous gas for human and may also result fatal in some cases.
When local came to know about the leakage of Ammonia , panic was created and people started leaving their homes to safer places. Whole locality was cleared and people were seen covering up their faces with clothes to avoid inhaling this dangerous gas. Local administration with the help of fire brigade worked really hard to control the gas leak.
Fire brigade officer told the media person that at first instance of report they took the gas leak, very lightly but after some time they realize the real danger and seriousness of the problem they were facing. Which was earlier consider to be small gas source was later found to be carrying around hundred kilo gram gas source. Administration was also found to be confused about the right way of controlling this kind of gas.
Ammonia was used earlier for refrigerating water to produce ice in the factory. It was later closed but when the owner of the factory sold the scarp of the factory, the workers who went there accidentally broke the gas pipe. Factory belongs to some liquor contractor.
Rajinder Sharma , fire brigade officer Ludhiana , told the media person that they initially underestimated about the quantity of gas but suddenly when valve was open , they found huge quantity of gas still lying the cylinder. He said there men worked hard to cover up the area to safe guard the general public and sprayed huge quantity of water to neutralize the gas by dissolving it with water sprays.
Police is investigating the issue to bring the culprit behind the bars, because of whom , many lives were put in danger.
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