Saraj Sandhu, from Amritsar posted a timeline on his facebook profile regarding Amritsar murder case of Vipin Sharma. Saraj Snadhu wrote that he did murder of Vipin Sharma, don’t relate this murder with religions issues.
He wrote that this murder happened due to our personal level of enimity. Also Saraj wrote that Vipin Sharma got punishment, Vipin Sharma hired some contractors to kill one of the policeman in Amritsar few days back. This policeman was a very dear friend of Saraj’s father.
Saraj Sandhu also warned at the end of the post that if you people know that how to tap the phones, then they can also do this same. SO BE AWARE OF IT. Saraj Sandhu posted his two photographs in his post, one is CCTV photograph and the other is Saraj’s actual photograph. You can go through all of the news of Vipin Sharma Murder Case.
Also Saraj Sandhu tagged 4 people in his post. Saraj Sandhu posted a post on 9th Nov, 2017 before this latest post, in which he wrote that “Teri Galti Si Tun Bhugat Layi, Sanu Gussa Si Asin Kad Liya”.
This murder was done on 30th Oct, 2017 and was captured in CCTV. Some hindu parties tried to relate this incident with many religious issues. Punjab Police is doing hard to arrest Saraj Sandhu after this post but is unsucessful in doing the same.
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