ISIS Chief Abu Bakr Bagdadi serious : poisoned
Islamic state chief and dreaded terrorist Abu Bakr Bagdadi, who is running terror in the whole world, himself fell ill after being poisoned by unknown person. His food was lased with poison and was served to him along with his three close commanders.
All of them have fallen ill after consuming poisoned food and have been shifted to some secret location that was not disclosed. Now ISIS people are looking for the person man or woman who tried to kill Bagdadi.
We have earlier also heard the news of Bagdadi being killed , specially in the beginning of the year 2016, there were news of him being killed in drone attack by the American army. But later those were found to be rumors only. America had declared him terrorist in the year 2011, and also set price for his head and that price money was around 1 crore american dollars.
ISIS was not formed by Bagdadi but he has taken the organisation to the top level of all terrorist organisations of the world. This is the organisation that is being run as corporate which gives regular salaries to its recruits along with incentives as per their terrorist activities.
ISIS has captured many areas of Iraq and Seria. Earlier it was part of Al-Qaeda but later it become independent strong organisation. It basically consist of sonority community of suni Muslims formed to fight with majority shia’s in Iraq.
Bagdadi was captured by American forces in 2004 but later released in 2009. After American forces left Iraq, Bagdadi started raising his head. He got separated from the Al-Qaeda, and formed separate group of Suni’s to kill and vanish majority Shia’s of Iraq.
ISIS was declared after capturing parts of Iraq and Seria, and real terror exist in this state which is believed to be anti woman place. Women are traded for sex , just like animals here and terrorist even keep them as sex slaves with them. 1000’s of women were captured and kept by the fighters of the Islamic state.
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