Rangpuri area in Delhi , change into lake every year in rainy season and this time its not a exception. People were expecting some relief after they voted AAP government in power. Their hopes were all drained off by rain, and water logging is still a headache for the local residents and government bodies.
For almost three days whole Rangpuri area changed into a small lake , with water entering into their houses. Actually there is a big pond in the area and in rainy season heavy rains led to increase in level of water , which overflows and enters houses of the locality. Although pond is covered with walls to bind water from entering the area but this year wall collapsed and water started entering houses.
People were seen draining water out of their homes, to save their furniture and other household items. They were seen slamming AAP MLA and Delhi government for not resolving their problem. They said earlier governments just promise to help them get rid of this waterlogging and have done nothing, that is the reason why they have voted for AAP but they are totally unhappy with their performance.
One of the lady directly spoke against the Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal and said , he always told them to sweep dirty politicians with broom ,but he himself is not good and have done nothing for them. This time she said we will not be listening to him and will not vote for his party.
Another lady complained that houses of her both the sons are destroyed by waterlogging and even her own house collapsed , their furniture also become useless and they were forced to through their beds and other furniture away.
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