Alberta: In Canada, A Court regret the decision of Govt. against the burka of Muslim’s lady. But the Prime Minister has disappointed with this order of Court. He says that people of another country want to citizen of Canada and In this Situation If they hide their Identity then the Canada’s people feel ashamed.
The holder of conservative party said that the Govt. has discussed about for more changes in this law of Muslim’s lady. Party said that the Court wants the voting held on 19 oct, the Prime Minister should be participate in this.
The Canadian Govt. said that they thought Burka is against to Women’s Culture thats why they took the decision against the wear of Burka.
The Anti-parties were against to this and they said It is a shameful act of Canada Govt. and it is against to the right of humans. But,The conservative party and maximum people are has accord with the Government.
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