Navjot Singh Sidhu talked to media person, after taking oath and charge of his office. He was expected to be given portfolio of deputy chief minister of the state, but was not announced yesterday.
Media asked him questions about the issue , on which he gave very clear response, and said, he will do whatever duty captain Amarinder Singh assign him to do. This ended all speculations of his second top highest post.
Navjot Sidhu told the media person that he was offered deputy Chief minister post by Arvind Kejriwal , who is national convener of Aam Aadmi Party, but refused. Quoting reason for refusing he said, he just want to serve his state Punjab.
Sidhu was elected from the Amritsar East seat as a congress candidate and that too by a huge margin.
He has got rank of cabinet minister in the newly elected and announced cabinet of captain Amarinder singh. There were rumors about Sidhu that he has joined Congress on the condition of him being elected as deputy chief minister of Punjab.
Second important question was , whether if he will continue with television serials, specially the comedy show, better known as “The Kapil sharma show”. Again Sidhu came up with very clear answer to this question. He said he will continue with show and will manage his time accordingly.
He said he will take flight in the evening at around 3 from Punjab and after shooting whole night will come back in the early morning hours. He said he will be available in his office next day , after taking some rest.
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